My Sheep Hear My Voice

Music and words by Brian Veenstra

Inside of my heart, I have an assurance;
My Savior gave it to me.
He called me His sheep. He said "I am the Shepherd,
the good one who dies for His sheep."

"My sheep hear My voice and I know them.
They hear and they come unto Me.
I give to them life everlasting,
And no man shall take them from Me."

He said, "I'm the door, the door to the sheepfold,
Protector from robbers and thieves.
So enter by Me, Be safe; you'll find pasture,
I laid down My life for your keep."

When life gets so hard, despair tries to take me,
I think of His promise to me.
I rest on that thought. He's got me in His hand,
I am His, He is mine, for He said:

2018, Brian Veenstra