What Love It Was

Music by John Bacchus Dykes, words by E. W. T.

What love it was that brought You down,
Down to the depths in which I lay,
That made You leave Your glory-throne,
In Servant's form to tread Your way.
Yet lower still to death to go,
That I might never judgment know.

My place is now in You above,
By virtue of Your precious blood,
Before Your Father's face in love,
Made now my Father and my God.
Oh, that my feeble voice might swell
The praise of Him who loves so well.

It's love that cannot be explained,
It is too wonderful, too vast,
The heart of God alone contained,
Such thoughts divine in ages past.
But oh! I know it rests on me,
And will throughout eternity.

Oh, fill me, Lord, yet more and more
So that my heart even here below,
From Your love's rich and boundless store,
Be satisfied and overflow.
Full with the blessing You have given.
The foretaste now of what makes heaven.